From the populair Disney+ show; The Mandalorian, we created the helmet worn by the protagonist played by Pedro Pascal. 

The helmet is designed by Darrell Maloney and printed on our Ender-5 Plus which is perfect for printing helmets. We used PLA for the print because it will be a display prop and PLA will be fine, if you’re planning on printing your own and want to wear it, we would advice on printing it with PETG or ABS.

Mando helmet upside down on the printer.

Right off the printer the helmet does need some work, there is some stringing and print lines, also the supports are still attached and need to be removed.

For the smaller parts we used the resin printer because of the smaller details and ease of finishing.

All parts are coated with a primer and sprayed with spray putty. After the spray putty had time to dry (most of the time I give it a day, but it totally depends on the temperature outside) I’ve sanded the whole helmet with 120 grid sandpaper. This will remove most of the putty but it’s the best way to get rit of the layer lines on the print.